The IQ Protocol is:

  • trustless and riskless, meaning that the renter does not have to provide collateral and the rental expires automatically at the end of the term – the protocol handles it all;
    • this can help guilds share their assets in a riskless fashion;
  • simple and cheap to integrate: it doesn't require modifications of existing smart-contracts, only small and trivial modifications of the service’s logic, and a small amount of gas for the transactions necessary to set things up. Unless heavy customization is required, the whole process is done in a simple web dApp.
  • highly flexible and customizable: it’s simple to provide modified eligibility for rented assets; it’s possible to create a fairly arbitrary renting mechanic (by creating a custom Warper), or a listing mechanic (a custom Listing Configurator smart-contract), or even a custom UI/integration; using multiple Warpers per collection (⏳ this feature is temporarily disabled) allows additional functionality, like switching rental conditions and/or provided eligibility during different time periods;
  • simple and transparent for listers and renters (see their flow in the Integration section);
  • extendable: with currently supported ERC721 and alike collections, it can later support ERC1155 (⏳ in development) and other collection standards; likewise, new renting mechanics (like loot sharing with the Original Asset owner), listing strategies (for instance, for Guild Management) and other features can be added or enriched if there’s some demand from the community.

It also:

  • allows to lower barrier for new users using optional gasless renting (transaction gas is paid by the service provider unless market conditions make it too expensive) and in-game reward sharing (assets listed this way can cost zero per time unit);
  • provides plenty of control: an IQVerse’s settings (like rental fee percent) can be modified, its ownership can be transferred; rentability of specific collections can be paused and resumed; a rentable asset owner can set the maximum period that they may wait until they can get it back, pause and resume its rentability, change conditions for future rentals;
  • opens new possibilities for partnership as the rented asset owners can be provided eligibility in other games or services.

Supported blockchains and additional info

IQ Protocol can be deployed in any EVM-based blockchain. The table below shows the statuses of those in our focus, but if you need it in another chain, please contact us at [email protected].

NameTestnet StatusMainnet StatusTestnet Faucets
Polygon✅ (Mumbai)
Binance Smart Chain⏳ (not yet)⏳ (not yet)

Supported tokens to pay rental fees

Note: obtaining test tokens is described here.

BlockchainToken Name/Address
Polygon Mumbai testnetMCC
Binance Smart ChainUSDC
Testnet Binance (BNB)⏳ (to be specified)

⏳ in development: support of custom payment tokens

Supported Collection Types

  • ERC721 and alike;
  • ⏳ ERC1155 (in development).

What’s Next

Explore Business Cases or jumpt to how IQ Protocol works and how to integrate it in the next section